Today, is my 40th birthday. Some label this a milestone birthday that has significant meaning. I don’t know how true that is. However, today is a blessing; yet, also a bit sorrowful.

I say it is a blessing because the Lord has saved me and kept me for the last 17 years. I have a beautiful wife and two beautiful daughters. I’m in good health and financially in good standing. I am incredibly grateful for all that God has provided.

The sorrowful side is my wife and I lost our two month old son, Asher, 7 weeks ago. Obviously, my wife and I, are still mourning him. Some days are better than others. This day just feels like it’s one of those days when I miss him the most. Nevertheless, my wife and I know that Asher is with Jesus and is no longer in any pain and is experiencing insurmountable joy.

New England the Most Unchurched Region In the United States

I also feel sorrowful for the great number of people living in New England that do not know Jesus. Hence, New England is the least churched area of the nation. When you look at the least religious states, five out of the six New England states are the least “religious” in the nation. Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire are at the bottom of the list. Rhode Island is not far behind.

This pains me deeply. I’ve been in New England for a little over four years so I am fairly new to the culture. In truth, I never thought to come to New England. However, my beautiful wife arrested my heart, and we have made New England our home. Nonetheless, when I think about New England and the richness of its Christian history, there is a deep yearning in my heart to see New England ablaze for Jesus Christ.

Desire For Spiritual Awakening

I think a lot about eternity. For me, the reality of eternity is real and tangible. I am just not convinced Jesus exist, I know without question He exist. He has radically changed my life and made me into a new creature. He has used me to drive out demons that were tormenting people. And more importantly, the Word of God testifies about Him from Genesis to Revelation. With that knowledge and experience, eternity is staring myself and all of us in the face. The truth is some are going to spend eternity with Jesus. While others are going to suffer torment throughout eternity due to rejecting Christ.  The latter is whom I have most concern.

My heart passionately desires spiritual awakening in this region. I believe the Pilgrims and Puritans prayed fervently for New England to be blessed with God’s presence and that people would walk in righteousness. And I believe God has not forgotten those requests and will answer those prayers of our spiritual forefathers.

So although I feel sorrowful on my 40th birthday, my hope is that the Lord will turn that sorrow into great joy by granting repentance through the preaching of His gospel. As a result, may millions be transformed into new creatures throughout New England and walk in the righteousness of Christ.

“Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret”. ~Paul

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