Welcome to Rashad’s blog! In this blog, Rashad shares his thoughts on culture, theology, evangelism, and everything in between! Feel free to share and leave a comment. Enjoy!
Recent Blog Post
Does Going to Church Provoke You to Righteousness?

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” (Heb. 10:24-25) This text has been used...
Past Blog Posts
Spiritual Warfare–Combating the Strategic Methods of Satan– Part 2

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.” (Eph. 6:11) What’s interesting about this verse is that the term “schemes” in Greek is “methodeía” where we get our English term “methods”. In short, this term conveys, a...
Spiritual Warfare–Why Do Many Avoid Driving Out Demons? Part 1

Let’s talk about deliverance ministry. I have decided to do a series of articles on this topic. Today will be the first. Hopefully, this will be helpful and edifying to many. First off, I hate using the phrase “deliverance ministry” because of the ideas that are associated with this...
Progressive Spiritual Darkness–What’s Behind it?

Jeroboam was the first king of the northern kingdom, Israel, after the kingdom split from the southern kingdom of Judah (1 Kings 12). However, more than twenty times, Jeroboam is labeled, “The man who made Israel sin” (1 Kings 13:34; 1 Kings 15:26, 34; 1 Kings 16:2) What was...
Are You a Babe in Christ?

But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in Christ. I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready, for you are still of the...
Grace and Truth Came Through Jesus Christ—What Does This Mean?

“For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” (John 1:17) Have we considered what John meant when he wrote this? There was a total of 613 laws which included the ceremonial, ritual, and moral laws. However, what John has in view, is likely...
The Danger of Freemasonry

Albert Pike was a confederate general and freemason. He has a statute in Washington, D.C. dressed in Masonic garb holding the book he wrote, “Morals and Dogma”. The following are excerpts from his book, “Masonry, around whose altars the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem, the Brahmin the followers of...
Does God Exist?

You may be asking the question does God exist? How can we know for sure? Short answer, Jesus Christ while coming in the form of man was fully God (Philippians 2:6-7). You may say, “I don’t believe that.” Let me give you just 10 facts to consider (there are...
The Danger of Lukewarm Conformity

“So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:16) How would you respond if Jesus said this to you? Leaders, how would you respond if this was spoken about the church you are leading? I can feel my...
What Is Your Prayer Strategy?

When a nation prepares for war, top government officials and military officers assess the threat of the enemy. Afterwards, they devise a plan, coupled with a strategy to defeat the enemy. These meetings are usually held in “secret” and without the public’s knowledge. Kingdom of God, can we not...
Exercising Our Authority in Prayer

How many of my brothers and sisters in Christ want to join together to displace the evil in our cities, states, and nation? How many of you want to see every young child, man, and woman filled with the Spirit walking in the fear of the Lord? How many...
The Radical Love of God

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth,so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isa. 55:8-9) Would you risk your life to save the terrorist who is...
Is the Church in Bed with the World?

One of the reasons the Church does not have much of an influence on culture is because she is in bed with it. Just think, when it comes to the reality of global governance/political corruption most are apathetic and do not understand it’s significance–or out of ignorance, support those...
The Problem Solver

Two problems man has: 1. Not knowing and understanding how twisted and heinous his nature is. 2. Not knowing and understanding how good, loving, and glorious God is. The Gospel reveals all of the above. Due to our nature of being opposed to God’s righteousness, we deserve to be...
Why Does So Much Evil Exist?

Many people who do not believe in God will say, “If God exist and claims to be “good” and “all-powerful”, why does He allow so much evil? He can’t be good if he allows evil to exist.” 1. Those who state this assume there is a standard of “good”...
The Crippling Effects of Rejection

Rejection is naturally unwanted by us as human beings; this is normal. However, when the fear of rejection controls our decisions, responses, personality and is a consistent way of life, there is something more going on. When a person can’t give or receive love, can’t trust, always expects the...
Is Sin Killing You or Are You Killing Sin?

The sinful nature is exceedingly destructive. Have you ever wondered why Jesus was so aggressive when it comes to sin? He says, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent...
Righteousness Exalts a Nation

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34) If we all would take a step back, what would characterize our nation? Righteousness? Lawlessness? Indeed, since there is such a thing of “right and wrong”, I believe we can all agree that we did...
Is New England the Spiritual Gateway for the Nation?

Satan’s Spiritual Strategy? Something hit me recently about New England. It is no secret that New England is a very difficult place to minister the gospel, if not the most difficult in the nation. Five out of the six New England states have been designated as “least religious in...
Systemic Racism in the Church—How Did We Get Here?

While reading Paul’s writings, I noticed a frequent problem that he addressed in the churches he planted. The problem was Jewish myths and speculations. This was certainly on the front burner of Paul’s mind, via the Holy Spirit, while writing to young church planters, Timothy and Titus. While writing to...
Diagnosing A Demonic Infection

Several months ago, I can remember being in between awake and sleep, when a thought came to mind concerning folks who are “asymptomatic” who are demonized (under the influence of evil spirits without knowing). During the course of this “pandemic” we have heard ad nauseam that folks can carry...
My Prayer for New England

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I come before you to lift up the 14 million inhabitants of New England. Father, you know the history of this land. You know how our spiritual forefathers, the Pilgrims and Puritans, came to this land fleeing religious persecution with hopes of...
Defilement of Spirit—The Danger of Bitterness, Sexual Immorality, and Polluted Worship

“Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.” (2 Cor. 7:1) The above text written by the Apostle Paul, touches on a very important principle(s) concerning the Christian life. God has...
Blessing and Sorrow

Today, is my 40th birthday. Some label this a milestone birthday that has significant meaning. I don’t know how true that is. However, today is a blessing; yet, also a bit sorrowful. I say it is a blessing because the Lord has saved me and kept me for the...
Is The Third Great Awakening Upon Us?

For the second time in two weeks, while in prayer, some encouraging thoughts came to mind concerning our current situation in the nation and in the world. In the United States, we are experiencing political and social unrest. Our television sets have been bombarded with the killing of black...
Satan’s Strategy to Neutralize Spiritual Gifts

“Don’t ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up.” ~ G.K. Chesterton Several years ago, my wife and I, were considering joining a local church near our home. We had been visiting this particular church for a month or so and we enjoyed...
The Unholy Union of the Social Justice Movement and the Church—Part 3

In my last blog, The Unholy Union, Social Justice and the Church—Part 2, I displayed the philosophy of socialism/social justice and how it has taken many captive in the Church. This philosophy stems from the perception that blacks are being mistreated. In this blog, we are going to take...
The Struggle for Racial Supremacy or Political Revolution?

You don’t have to look far to observe that we have a created race problem in the United States. I say created because of the following reasons: The advocates for social justice are black, white, etc. A good majority of Antifa and BLM are made up of whites although...
The Unholy Union of the Social Justice Movement and the Church—Part 2

In my previous blog, The Unholy Union of the Social Justice Movement and the Church, I described a similar situation that was transpiring in Colosse. Paul warned the Colosse church not to be taken captive by philosophy. In this blog, what you will discover is the Social Justice Movement...
The Unholy Union of the Social Justice Movement and the Church—Part 1

Paul’s treatise to the Colossian Church celebrates a high view of Christology. He writes in a way to praise, encourage, and warn the church. Paul goes in great detail in revealing the beauty of the Gospel by stating such phrases, “He is the image of the invisible God” (Col.1:15),...
Do We Deserve to Die?

Paul makes a stunning statement in Romans 1: “Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things DESERVE TO DIE, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.” (Rom. 1:32) What are the “such things”? “They were filled with all manner...
Principled Prayer—Part 1

I wanted to share some key points when it comes to prayer from passages found in the Gospels. I will give some additional thoughts in another blog post on how the Lord has developed my prayer life. What is interesting, while looking back, I did not realize the very...
Make My Joy Complete

“That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life—the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the...
The Blank Inside of Man

Have you ever thought, “Why do we have to lock our doors at night? Why do we have locks on our car doors? Why do we have to enter into contracts with another party to ensure obligations are fulfilled? Why do we have a police force? Why do we...
The Importance of Intentionality

Isn’t interesting how we can drift into sin but cannot drift into intimacy with God? The reason being is because we have a natural bent to move away from God instead of to God. For instance, if we do not intentionally plan to pray, we won’t pray. If we...
Self-Esteem or God-Esteem?

Within our culture there is much talk about self-esteem. However, is the issue of self-esteem merely based on how we feel about ourselves or how we feel about God? Scripture tells us, “God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and...
Is Man Merging with Machine?

I find it interesting that there has been a steady influx of advertisements concerning A.I. (Artificial Intelligence i.e. Robots) being an integral part of our very near future. We have seen advertisements from Intel, Kohler, IBM (Watson), Amazon’s Alexa and etc that all depict A.I. becoming more active in...
Coming to Christ—Invitation to Life or Death?

The secret to experiencing the joy of the Lord/intimacy with Christ is denying yourself for His sake and glory. However, do not just deny yourself– enjoy pursuing and resting in His presence. Begin to appreciate the command, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up...
Jezebel and Idols in the Church

“Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.” (Rev. 2:20) Historically, Jezebel was the wife of Ahab, and was a worshipper of Baal...
Ground Level Spiritual Warfare

Depression. Hearing voices. Suicide. Murder. Death. These are all descriptions of potential human conditions. They do not discriminate between believer or unbeliever. However, although these are descriptions of human conditions, they are also descriptions of literal demons. Yes, there are demons of depression, suicide, death, and murder. And demons...
Discerning God Through the Cry for Justice

You need evidence for God? The next time you want justice–ask the question why do I sense the need for justice? Is it something I created myself? Or was this something that was planted in my heart from an objective Source, namely God? Hence, if we evolved from biological...
Is Our World Being Led by Psychopaths?

In my younger years, I was a bit naive, dare I say apathetic, to world events and the media. I grew up trusting and believing whatever the news reported, whether it was CNN, Fox, CBS, etc. I assumed that the news media was telling the truth. However, gradually, over...
Is New Age the Counterfeit Gospel?

Over the last several months I have observed “Christian advertisements” on social media that sound more like re-packaged New Age teaching, as opposed to sound biblical doctrine. If you are constantly hearing about unlocking your destiny, discovering your purpose, grasping your human potential (self-realization, which certainly has its appeal)....
Seduction: Steals, Kills, and Destroys–Are You a Victim or a Victimizer?

Many women dress seductively to allure a man. This need to draw attention may stem from feeling unwanted, or simply a desire to be desired. Indeed, some may have become so deceived by cultural trends that they don’t even realize what they are doing. Let me let you in...
The Occult: The Connection Between Disney, Beyonce, Water Spirits, and The Little Mermaid

Over the last month, there has been much controversy surrounding the actress, Halle Bailey, who was selected for the role of Ariel in the movie, The Little Mermaid. Much of the controversy was due to her being black, while the character has been traditionally portrayed as white. Honestly, when...
Humanity on Death Row

Our judicial system may adjudicate the death penalty for horrendous crimes depending on state laws. However, according to the Apostle Paul, when we commit sin it carries the “eternal death penalty”. This should clue us in on how horrid our sin is and how holy God is. In truth,...
The Cost of Momentary Pleasure

Perceived pleasure can turn into tragedy and loss. When Eve was being tempted in the Garden, the Scriptures say, “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make...
The Effects of an Eroding Society

“If you sow unrighteousness you will reap unrighteousness.” I want us all to think about something. Should we really be surprised at the recent events our nation has been experiencing? Look at our nation. Look at how we have been eating away at our individual/national conscience. We flood our...
Violence, Death, and Immorality:What is at the Root of Our Problem?

How many of us can agree with the logic: If one is a glutton (overeats) he/she is susceptible to various health problems (high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, etc)? Then why can’t we use the same logic when it comes to understand our fallen nature? If we constantly consume...
Stumbling Blocks: The Sinister Strategy of Satan

A word that was placed in my spirit in prayer, “stumbling blocks” (see Matthew 13:41). We may have various ideas when we think of a stumbling block. Some may visualize an object being placed in front of us that causes us to trip and fall. This is true to...
Dayton and El Paso: We don’t Just Need Prayers, We Need the Gospel

Another tragedy. Dozens of lives lost due to hearts being filled with violence. Or as the Bible, says, “Living in the flesh” (Romans 8). We are predominately living by faith or we are predominately living in the flesh. Living by faith can be defined as living unto God, which...
Violence and Justice: Where does it Lead?

Does not the level of injustices being voiced in our society, suggest that there is a standard of perfection (Rom.3:23)? In short, we are “missing the mark.” Foundationally, at the root of “justice” is “righteousness”. I believe we all can agree that none of us are innately righteous (Rom....
The Spirit of Prostitution

“Do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, lest the land fall into prostitution and the land become full of depravity.” (Lev. 19:29) How telling is this verse of Scripture? I do not think (at least hope not) most parents wake up one day and say, “I...
Beware of False Prophets

In my book, The Deception of Eloquence, I dedicated a chapter to “What is False Teaching”? In that chapter, I critically examined 2 Peter 2:1, “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies”. I...
Does Your Theology Influence Your Ideology?

For the most part, our ideology is influenced by our theology. If your ideology is void of a theological perspective, it will more than likely resemble a Dewey perspective on education, and a Leninist/ Marxist perspective politically/culturally. When we understand the implications and history behind such radical views, then...
Is Self-Help the New Gospel?

Has the Gospel been watered down to a mere self-help message? The reason I mention this is because it seems that many professing Christians believe that becoming a Christian is about “making their life better and then going to heaven.” I hate to be the bearer of bad news...
The Power Behind Unforgiveness

Do you know people that seem to be always angry, bitter, or insolent? No matter what you do to try to uplift their spirit, they remain in a downtrodden state? People who fall into this condition, do not wake up one day and say, “I want to be an...
Are Your Prayers Satanic in Nature?

While in prayer this morning, the thought arose, “When we pray to Jesus is it because we desire righteousness to be more evident in our life (to glorify Him) or are our prayers more the less to receive items for pleasure?” Let me define, “items for pleasure”. Material means...
What is the Essence of Life?

Have you ever thought, “What is the essence of life?” This is an important question to consider. Jesus stated, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). What does he mean? In order to understand what the essence of life is,...
Does Your Faith Add Up?

When you hear the phrase “faith in Jesus”, what do you think of? I believe this triggers many to think of faith as something along the lines of “wishful thinking” or at the very least, “hoping that what we believe about Jesus is true”. This is not the essence...
There is Power in the Blood

“For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul” (Lev. 17:11). The ol’ adage “there is power in the blood” is...
Christian Conversion: Intellectual or Spiritual?

If someone merely “talked” you into Christianity, somebody else can “talk” you out of it. In addition, regeneration is not due to inheritance. For example, just because mom and dad are Christian, does not mean children are Christian. Christian conversion is not simply about intellectual persuasion. Although faith comes...
The Importance of Guarding One’s Conscience

All of us have been created with an immune system. Our immune system is the first body system that can potentially detect “danger” (i.e. infection, cancer, and etc). By having a strong immune system it has the capability to fight off bacteria that can be harmful to us. In...
Where Does Humanism Lead?

Adolf Hitler stated, “I want to raise a generation of young people devoid of conscience – imperious, relentless, & cruel.” Many people are unaware that Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich were influenced by the occult. Luciferianism was the driving force behind Nazism. However, let me be clear, Luciferianism...
Being Handed Over to Our Desires

Do you know of any parents that have dealt with unruly children? They love their children and have attempted to express their love in various ways; yet, the child continues to rebel against their values causing increasing havoc? At times, when parents have no other option they have to painfully...
How Deep are Your Roots in Christ?

How deep are your roots in Christ? If we were to be honest, many are satisfied with attending a church service, having a secure job, nice house, nice car, and material means to do whatever one chooses. Indeed, many would say “I’m blessed” if they had this lifestyle. There...
Are you Confident in your Faith?

“Now we have such confidence through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient from ourselves to reckon anything as of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God.” (2 Cor. 3:4-5) Christian confidence is closely tied to our Christian conviction. I would even posit one cannot have Christian confidence...
The Voice Behind Suicidal Thoughts

Depression. Hearing voices. Suicide. Murder. Death. These are all descriptions of potential human conditions. They do not discriminate between believer or unbeliever. However, although these are descriptions of human conditions, they are also descriptions of literal demons. Yes, there are demons of depression, suicide, death, and murder. And demons...
What is Wrong with Humanity?

Have you ever thought, “Why do we have to lock our doors at night? Why do we have locks on our car doors? Why do we have to enter into contracts with another party to ensure obligations are fulfilled? Why do we have a police force? Why do we...
Take This Cup from Me… What Cup?

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). Have you ever asked the question, “What was in the cup?” Throughout biblical history, the cup symbolized the wrath of God because of man’s sin (Jer. 25:15-17; 51:7; Psalm...
When Compromise Becomes Tragic

What do Dartmouth, Brown, Harvard, and Yale Universities have in common? Yes–they are Ivy League schools located in New England. However, all of these universities started with the mission of academically advancing the Gospel. How is it that these schools, which were started approximately 200-400 years ago as Christian charters, become...
The Investment of the Inner Work of the Spirit

The biggest threat to any political or cultural ideological movement that is anti-Christ in nature, is the Gospel of Jesus. Regenerative faith is supernatural and is established through the Gospel (2 Cor. 5:17; John 3:1-18). It is designed to transform it’s host to become conformed to it’s Author, Jesus...
Is Mainstream Culture the Overflow of Occultism?

If you are familiar with biblical history, particularly Old Testament history, you would be familiar with the practices of the people within Canaan (the Promised Land). The people who were living in the land were deeply involved in idolatry. The idols/gods they worshipped were literally demonic powers (Deut. 32:17;...
Have We Traded God’s Righteousness for Our Happiness?

In American society and in the church, many are quick to recite the phrase, “the love of God” or “God is love.” Although God is love (1 John 3:16), and God loves the world, using these phrases without proper biblical context can be problematic, or dare I say destructive....
Have We Lost the Biblical Meaning of Justification by Faith?

“The righteous shall live by faith” and “justification by faith” (Rom. 1:17; 5:1) were key texts used during the protestant reformation. Martin Luther, the protestant reformer, championed these verses as being key in resisting the Roman Catholic Church. The RCC was/is largely into worship of the saints, relics, papal...
Eternal Fences

G.K Chesterton stated, “Let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate was erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes up to it and says, "I don't see the use of this; let us clear it away." In short, he was communicating,...
Why Does God Allow Evil?
Why Does God Allow Evil? Many people who do not believe in God will say, “If God exist and claims to be “good” and “all-powerful”, why does He allow so much evil? He can’t be good if he allows evil to exist.” A couple of points. 1. Those who...
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