How many of my brothers and sisters in Christ want to join together to displace the evil in our cities, states, and nation? How many of you want to see every young child, man, and woman filled with the Spirit walking in the fear of the Lord? How many...
Archive for category: Awaken New England
The Radical Love of God
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth,so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isa. 55:8-9) Would you risk your life to save the terrorist who is...
Is the Church in Bed with the World?
One of the reasons the Church does not have much of an influence on culture is because she is in bed with it. Just think, when it comes to the reality of global governance/political corruption most are apathetic and do not understand it’s significance–or out of ignorance, support those...
The Problem Solver
Two problems man has: 1. Not knowing and understanding how twisted and heinous his nature is. 2. Not knowing and understanding how good, loving, and glorious God is. The Gospel reveals all of the above. Due to our nature of being opposed to God’s righteousness, we deserve to be...
Why Does So Much Evil Exist?
Many people who do not believe in God will say, “If God exist and claims to be “good” and “all-powerful”, why does He allow so much evil? He can’t be good if he allows evil to exist.” 1. Those who state this assume there is a standard of “good”...
The Crippling Effects of Rejection
Rejection is naturally unwanted by us as human beings; this is normal. However, when the fear of rejection controls our decisions, responses, personality and is a consistent way of life, there is something more going on. When a person can’t give or receive love, can’t trust, always expects the...
Is Sin Killing You or Are You Killing Sin?
The sinful nature is exceedingly destructive. Have you ever wondered why Jesus was so aggressive when it comes to sin? He says, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent...
Righteousness Exalts a Nation
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34) If we all would take a step back, what would characterize our nation? Righteousness? Lawlessness? Indeed, since there is such a thing of “right and wrong”, I believe we can all agree that we did...
Is New England the Spiritual Gateway for the Nation?
Satan’s Spiritual Strategy? Something hit me recently about New England. It is no secret that New England is a very difficult place to minister the gospel, if not the most difficult in the nation. Five out of the six New England states have been designated as “least religious in...
Systemic Racism in the Church—How Did We Get Here?
While reading Paul’s writings, I noticed a frequent problem that he addressed in the churches he planted. The problem was Jewish myths and speculations. This was certainly on the front burner of Paul’s mind, via the Holy Spirit, while writing to young church planters, Timothy and Titus. While writing to...