You need evidence for God? The next time you want justice–ask the question why do I sense the need for justice? Is it something I created myself? Or was this something that was planted in my heart from an objective Source, namely God? Hence, if we evolved from biological...
Archive for category: Awaken New England
Is Our World Being Led by Psychopaths?
In my younger years, I was a bit naive, dare I say apathetic, to world events and the media. I grew up trusting and believing whatever the news reported, whether it was CNN, Fox, CBS, etc. I assumed that the news media was telling the truth. However, gradually, over...
Is New Age the Counterfeit Gospel?
Over the last several months I have observed “Christian advertisements” on social media that sound more like re-packaged New Age teaching, as opposed to sound biblical doctrine. If you are constantly hearing about unlocking your destiny, discovering your purpose, grasping your human potential (self-realization, which certainly has its appeal)....
Seduction: Steals, Kills, and Destroys–Are You a Victim or a Victimizer?
Many women dress seductively to allure a man. This need to draw attention may stem from feeling unwanted, or simply a desire to be desired. Indeed, some may have become so deceived by cultural trends that they don’t even realize what they are doing. Let me let you in...
The Occult: The Connection Between Disney, Beyonce, Water Spirits, and The Little Mermaid
Over the last month, there has been much controversy surrounding the actress, Halle Bailey, who was selected for the role of Ariel in the movie, The Little Mermaid. Much of the controversy was due to her being black, while the character has been traditionally portrayed as white. Honestly, when...
Humanity on Death Row
Our judicial system may adjudicate the death penalty for horrendous crimes depending on state laws. However, according to the Apostle Paul, when we commit sin it carries the “eternal death penalty”. This should clue us in on how horrid our sin is and how holy God is. In truth,...
The Cost of Momentary Pleasure
Perceived pleasure can turn into tragedy and loss. When Eve was being tempted in the Garden, the Scriptures say, “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make...
The Effects of an Eroding Society
“If you sow unrighteousness you will reap unrighteousness.” I want us all to think about something. Should we really be surprised at the recent events our nation has been experiencing? Look at our nation. Look at how we have been eating away at our individual/national conscience. We flood our...
Violence, Death, and Immorality:What is at the Root of Our Problem?
How many of us can agree with the logic: If one is a glutton (overeats) he/she is susceptible to various health problems (high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, etc)? Then why can’t we use the same logic when it comes to understand our fallen nature? If we constantly consume...
Stumbling Blocks: The Sinister Strategy of Satan
A word that was placed in my spirit in prayer, “stumbling blocks” (see Matthew 13:41). We may have various ideas when we think of a stumbling block. Some may visualize an object being placed in front of us that causes us to trip and fall. This is true to...