What do Dartmouth, Brown, Harvard, and Yale Universities have in common? Yes–they are Ivy League schools located in New England. However, all of these universities started with the mission of academically advancing the Gospel. How is it that these schools, which were started approximately 200-400 years ago as Christian charters, become...
Archive for category: Awaken New England
The Investment of the Inner Work of the Spirit
The biggest threat to any political or cultural ideological movement that is anti-Christ in nature, is the Gospel of Jesus. Regenerative faith is supernatural and is established through the Gospel (2 Cor. 5:17; John 3:1-18). It is designed to transform it’s host to become conformed to it’s Author, Jesus...
Is Mainstream Culture the Overflow of Occultism?
If you are familiar with biblical history, particularly Old Testament history, you would be familiar with the practices of the people within Canaan (the Promised Land). The people who were living in the land were deeply involved in idolatry. The idols/gods they worshipped were literally demonic powers (Deut. 32:17;...
Have We Traded God’s Righteousness for Our Happiness?
In American society and in the church, many are quick to recite the phrase, “the love of God” or “God is love.” Although God is love (1 John 3:16), and God loves the world, using these phrases without proper biblical context can be problematic, or dare I say destructive....
Have We Lost the Biblical Meaning of Justification by Faith?
“The righteous shall live by faith” and “justification by faith” (Rom. 1:17; 5:1) were key texts used during the protestant reformation. Martin Luther, the protestant reformer, championed these verses as being key in resisting the Roman Catholic Church. The RCC was/is largely into worship of the saints, relics, papal...
Eternal Fences
G.K Chesterton stated, “Let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate was erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes up to it and says, "I don't see the use of this; let us clear it away." In short, he was communicating,...
Why Does God Allow Evil?
Why Does God Allow Evil? Many people who do not believe in God will say, “If God exist and claims to be “good” and “all-powerful”, why does He allow so much evil? He can’t be good if he allows evil to exist.” A couple of points. 1. Those who...