Several months ago, I can remember being in between awake and sleep, when a thought came to mind concerning folks who are “asymptomatic” who are demonized (under the influence of evil spirits without knowing).

During the course of this “pandemic” we have heard ad nauseam that folks can carry the virus and be asymptomatic. The same is true in the spirit. There are scores of folks that are walking around “infected” with evil spirits but “seemingly” show no symptoms. They seem to be normal. They function on there jobs. They may be productive in society. However, some may have the sense that something is not right and may pass it off as it merely being “themselves”.

For example, there are many folks who struggle with sexual lusts/pornography. They have prayed, fasted, read the Bible; yet, they still are enslaved. It is true, that yes, our flesh is the source of all enslavement to sin. Demons just make it worse. When we open ourselves up to sinful behaviors, we can also open ourselves to demonic infection that will make our state worse.

Have you ever come across somebody that at one point seemed to be happy and joyous? However, as time passes, the next time you see them they seem to be extremely bitter and angry? Indeed, it even seems there physical appearance has changed? When we allow bitterness and anger to dominate our lives, it will have a profound effect on our soul. Unfortunately, over time it usually leads to depression and at times, attempts of suicide.

My friends, these are just not psychological and emotional sensations and chemicals going off in our brain. Although there is a “natural” element at work, there is also a “spiritual” element as work as well. There is a battle raging for your soul.

One thing I was taught years ago, “You can’t cast out the flesh, nor can you crucify a demon.” If your problem is uncrucified flesh, then through prayer, fasting, discipline of virtue, etc you should be able to overcome by keeping the flesh dead. However, if your problem does not yield to these disciplines, it is likely you may be contending with demonic influence along with uncrucified flesh.

Ultimately, Jesus has the power and authority to deliver you from these afflictions. Ask for Jesus to help reveal to you what you are dealing with. If you’ve been harboring bitterness and anger, confess it as sin and ask for forgiveness. Same goes for sexual lusts/pornography. Confess it as sin and ask for forgiveness. Renounce the spirit(s) and by the authority of Jesus command them to leave. However, if the Lord delivers you, you have to press in to maintain your freedom.

Hope this helps… Blessing to all!


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