You need evidence for God? The next time you want justice–ask the question why do I sense the need for justice? Is it something I created myself? Or was this something that was planted in my heart from an objective Source, namely God? Hence, if we evolved from biological processes void of God, by default that means we do not have a soul. Naturalistic evolution does not believe in immaterial. In short, there is no soul/spirit–just body. And if this is the case and you trust that evolution is true, why would you cry out for justice? Sure, you may have feelings that tell your brain there is a need for justice–but why? Why not interpret those feelings as mere synapses going off in your brain that give you a headache and gets you emotionally stirred?

The truth is we do have a immaterial being, that is our soul/spirit (1 Thess. 5:23). Every human being has a deep seated morality within our soul that God has given to us (Romans 2:14-15). In short, our morality does not come from the body but from our soul/spirit. However, if this is the case, have you considered the massive implications? Just maybe our human injustices are to be a reminder of a greater need for justice? Stay tuned…

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