For the most part, our ideology is influenced by our theology. If your ideology is void of a theological perspective, it will more than likely resemble a Dewey perspective on education, and a Leninist/ Marxist perspective politically/culturally. When we understand the implications and history behind such radical views, then we will understand why we should be avoiding them at all costs.

What undergirded all three of these men ideologies is that man is inherently “good”. They did not take into account the sin nature of man because they didn’t believe in God or the Bible. Therefore, the State was the end all be all: not God. As a result, the State would exercise oppressive control over its citizens because morality would be “relative” and dictated by the State.

If you study our political and cultural situation in America, you will begin to see how we have been duped into believing a Marxist/Leninist ideology which is dominating many of our political and cultural worldviews. And when you add Dewey’s ideology of public education in which he gathered from the influence of the Bolshevik’s (Soviet Union), then we get an even fuller picture of where we are at today.

Open your eyes. Think critically. Study. Don’t be intimidated or bullied to go with the mainstream. Form your opinions from facts, history, and not emotions.

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