Depression. Hearing voices. Suicide. Murder. Death. These are all descriptions of potential human conditions. They do not discriminate between believer or unbeliever. However, although these are descriptions of human conditions, they are also descriptions of literal demons. Yes, there are demons of depression, suicide, death, and murder. And demons have the ability to “speak”. In fact, the prophet Isaiah mentions the spirit of heaviness/despair (depression) in Isaiah 61:3.

One of the symptoms of potentially being demonized by the above is a driving compulsion to commit the above acts. We see this with King Saul of the Old Testament. He was under the influence of an evil spirit(s) in which he was being tormented (1 Sam 16:14). Yet, David, whom he loved, would be called into his service to play his anointed harp which would deliver Saul from the torment of that spirit (1 Sam 16:19-22). On a side note, this should give us a clue of how powerful music is. It can invite the power of God or the power of Satan; be careful of what you listen to. Nevertheless, although Saul loved David, eventually, that tormenting spirit would drive him in desiring to murder David. This just shows how demonic oppression can influence the human to do things he/she truly does not want to do (Hence, Saul loved David).

Indeed, psychosomatic medications help deal with the feelings of depression, suicide, and etc. They literally numb you to the conditions (with side effects). However, if the problem is demonic in nature, they will not be able to cure the problem. The cure is the same as it was in David’s day–the power of God through Jesus. Deliverance is essential for the Christian and is essential for the unbeliever who repents and gives there life to Jesus (especially if you are suffering from the above symptoms).

My intention is not to scare anybody who may be suffering from the above. I am just being honest. With my experience in deliverance ministry, these are some things I have seen and experienced. Jesus can deliver you. Do not lose hope. I love you all!

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