In my younger years, I was a bit naive, dare I say apathetic, to world events and the media. I grew up trusting and believing whatever the news reported, whether it was CNN, Fox, CBS, etc. I assumed that the news media was telling the truth.

However, gradually, over the last 12-13 years, I have discovered there have been several major events that have opened my eyes to what seems to be sinister agenda at work. Moreover, when I read the following statement by the late billionaire David Rockefeller, on page 405 of his book, Memoirs, I was floored,

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

This statement by Rockefeller has been echoed by other elitists that carry the same agenda. With that being said, examine the following events closely and read/listen to the cited sources and draw your own conclusions. Ask yourself, “Is our world being ran by psychopaths?”

Problems with 9/11 official story

We have been forced to believe that 9/11 was pulled off by terrorists who hijacked airplanes with boxcutters. Indeed, if you question the official narrative, you are quickly labeled the pejorative, “conspiracy theorist”. However, is this a tactic applied to silence those who have legitimate questions? Nevertheless, the “terrorists” who commandeered the most sophisticated aircrafts at the time, flew precisely into buildings when they couldn’t even fly a single engine Cessna (! How is it possible for a pilot with no experience to maneuver Boeing 757’s and 767’s with such precision?  There are MANY “anomalies” that do not fit with the official story.

Some examples:

1. WTC 7 (Salomon Building) came straight down in its footprint without a plane hitting it. (

2. The owner of WTC 1, 2, and 7, Larry Silverstein, stating that the fire department told him they were going to “pull it”, WTC 7, that is (“pull” is a demolition term. In order to bring down a building of this magnitude, it would take months to wire with explosives). However, the “official” cause of the building collapsing is due to “office fires”. Never in history has a building of this magnitude collapsed due to office fires. (

3. The BBC news network reported the collapse of WTC 7, 20 minutes before the building came down (

4. Inside trading on United and American Airlines the day before the attacks (

5. War games that were happening on the same day of the event that confused air traffic controllers which therefore affected fighter jets from intercepting the hijacked aircraft (

6. President Bush inadvertently stating that explosives were used to bring down the towers (

And so much more.

Documented False Flags and Unjust Wars

The launching of wars (Vietnam, Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, and Iraq) that killed millions in which propaganda was used to persuade the public for support. I encourage you to research Operation Northwoods. Read the following (

The above document reveals the devious nature of the upper levels of our government during the 1960s. In short, our government had plans to attack American cities using terrorism. As a result of these attacks, the blame would be placed on Cuba. This would persuade the public and the nation to launch an attack on Cuba. Thankfully, President Kennedy denied carrying out these sinister plans. However, what if there was a president in office that would be complicit with these plans?

After reading the documents, you will eerily see many similarities to that of the events of 9/11. This type of attack is called a False Flag. 

The War on Drugs and Afghanistan 

During the 1970s and 1980s we launched the “War on Drugs”. However, reporters such as the late Gary Webb of the The San Jose Mercury News, uncovered that covert agencies such as the CIA were behind much of the drug trafficking into the United States (  

When we invaded Afghanistan in October 2001, unbeknownst to many in the public, the Taliban had stopped production of the “poppy” that produces the opium and therefore heroin. As you know, we pegged Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban as the culprits behind the attacks, and placed longtime  CIA asset, Hamid Karzai, as President of Afghanistan ( Hamid had a brother, Wali Karzai. Wali was a known drug lord who was also connected to the CIA, who became the governor of southern Afghanistan. ( While Karzai was President, opium production increased exponentially (

Are these coincidences? Do I have to mention the problems we are having with opioid addiction in this nation?

Homosexual Agenda

The mass media and many celebrities have convinced a good portion of the public to believe that homosexuality and transgenderism are morally viable lifestyles. What is even more bizarre, allegedly, there are 58 different genders Strange right?

President Obama was a huge proponent of pushing to federalize gay marriage. In 2013, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage. In addition, a month has been designated to celebrate this perversion. Moreover, LGBT history is being taught in the public school system in five different states.

Recently, an op-Ed was written for NBC News suggested,

“As the status quo, heterosexuality is just not working. Men need heterosexuality to maintain their societal dominance over women. Women, on the other hand, are increasingly realizing not only that they don’t need heterosexuality, but that it also is often the bedrock of their global oppression.” (

Heterosexuality is oppressive to women…right. However, this shows the agenda that is being pushed by our culture and news media.

The Rise of Socialism

As a young kid, I vaguely remember our conflict with the Soviet Union and how their was a great disdain towards communism. It was obvious that the United States, seemingly, opposed this political ideology.

In addition, American foreign policy has championed the motto of “spreading democracy” to foreign lands. Yet, currently, on our own soil, there has been an advent of “democratic socialism”. Let me be clear, there is no such thing as democratic socialism. It is just socialism. Socialism is just one step away from full-fledged communism.

The selling of socialism to the American public is popular and is being promoted as a form of “good government”. One does not have to look far to see that this form government is disastrous. Just look at Cuba, Venezuela, the former Soviet Union, etc.

The Death of Jeffery Epstein

Recently, Jeffery Epstein was being held on sex trafficking charges. Epstein was connected to other “elite personalities” such as Prince Andrew of England, Former President Bill Clinton, famed Harvard professor/lawyer Alan Dershowitz, and many other high profile politicians, financiers, etc. These men and others have been linked to Epstein in which they have been accused of participating in pedophilia.

However, Epstein pulls a Houdini!  He commits suicide. Epstein somehow killed himself while on suicide watch, which was next to impossible In addition, an inmate who was housed in the same unit where Epstein was located, retorted the same sentiment.


In my view, when one closely examines what has been written above, one should come away with legitimate questions. However, when one of the elite themselves admit to being a part of a larger group that are “calling the shots”, it should get all of our attention.

I have come to the conclusion that psychopaths are running our fallen world. When you view the bloody crimes that have taken place, obvious media obfuscation, and the numerous statements by organizations that are working towards “global governance”, it is obvious there are elite psychopathic group(s) that will sacrifice you or I to reach their intended goals. I also believe many of the elite are associated with various forms of the occult (more on this in a future blog).

The events that I have listed are only a small sample of what I have observed. What is particularly frightening is how many people believe  the false narrative that is being distributed by the media. If in fact these psychopaths who run the world can convince many to believe their blatant lies, one day in the near future, they will convince many that the Antichrist (Satan) is God. In a way, they already began this exploit and have convinced many. Much of pop, rock, and hip hop culture celebrates the occult. It’s just a matter of time before this deception metastasizes. 

By reflecting on all of the above, I personally realize this world is not my home. And if you are a believer in Jesus, it’s not yours either. It may seem like a grim outlook; however, there is glory that awaits those who believe. Remember the words of Jesus,

“For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.” (Mark 8:35)

“The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers, and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.” (Matt. 13:41-43)

Therefore, study the Word of God with all diligence. Be sober minded. Ask God to give you discernment to differentiate between truth and error whether in the world or in the church. May those of us who have been born-again be faithful to the end.

“The one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:13-14)

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