One of the reasons the Church does not have much of an influence on culture is because she is in bed with it. Just think, when it comes to the reality of global governance/political corruption most are apathetic and do not understand it’s significance–or out of ignorance, support those who are globalists. When it comes to homosexual marriage and its impact on the Church, many do not speak out because of fear of being ostracized politically or socially. When it comes to the level of promiscuity/immorality that takes place within the Christian community and in society many do not see it as a big deal. I can go on and on.
What happened to the people of God being morally outraged over what is going on within society and the Christian community? Do you recall when Moses came down off the mountain with the Ten Commandments and saw the people taking part in drunken revelry? The Scripture says, “Moses angered burned hot” (Exodus 32:19). Do you recall David when he heard Goliath taunting and demeaning Saul’s army? David was enraged and proceeded to destroy Goliath (1 Sam. 17). Do you recall when Jesus entered into the temple and seen the corrupt activities taking place? His anger burned within as he drove out the money changers and those selling animals (John 2:14-16). Finally, do you recall Paul while in Athens? The Scripture says “His spirit was provoked” when he saw all the idols (Acts 17:16).
Does our spirit(s) get provoked when we see idolatry, immorality, blasphemy, and etc? And if we don’t “burn within” why do we not? What is “quenching” the Spirit’s fire within (1 Thess. 5:19)? It seems as though many are satisfied with being entertained, avoid “stepping on toes”, and relish our creature comforts while society continues down the path of degradation.
May we condition our hearts to be like Moses, David, Jesus, and Paul so that when we witness “sin/rebellion” we are “provoked within” which leads us to take action.