For the second time in two weeks, while in prayer, some encouraging thoughts came to mind concerning our current situation in the nation and in the world.
In the United States, we are experiencing political and social unrest. Our television sets have been bombarded with the killing of black men that have sparked riots, and an overall rise in crime and violence. Moreover, we are in the middle of a presidential election season. There has been consternation when it comes to both candidates. The media has painted a picture of Donald Trump as being a Russian asset, white supremacist, and totally unfit for office. While Joe Biden and the Democratic Party openly espouse socialism. The political divide runs deep and there is much tension surrounding this year’s election. Lastly, we have Covid-19 which brings forth a cascade of social, economic, and political problems. When we observe all of these events converging at once, it seems as though an unseen hand is manipulating the events.
From my experience, I have recognized that Satan and his kingdom usually overplays his hand and exposes his “position.” What I mean is he usually exposes himself while attempting to achieve an objective. He can’t help it. It’s his nature. He is arrogant and prideful.
For example, when Jesus was crucified, the human rulers thought they were getting rid of a blasphemer. The demonic rulers thought they defeated God’s redemptive plan by killing the Anointed One. As Paul writes,
“We impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1 Cor. 2:7-8).
Before the death and resurrection of Jesus, spiritual darkness ruled over the land. A literal darkness fell on the day Jesus was placed on the cross. The kingdom of darkness must have thought, “If we can kill the Anointed One, these humans would have no hope.” Hence, they had been waiting for this opportunity for thousands of years. Yet, when he rose from the dead three days later, they knew they were finished. Satan overplayed his hand.
Before I Came to Jesus
I can look at two occasions in my personal life in which the enemy was going for the clean sweep.
The weekend before the Lord saved me, over 17 years ago, I went out partying with friends. I had met a ton of women, was drunk every night, and got intimately involved with a young lady the night I met her. During that time in my life, I was partying much, and sleeping around with many different women. However, that weekend was different. It just seemed like it was too easy and the “fun” we had was unreal.
However, three days later, upon waking up from a night’s rest, Wednesday June 5, 2003, I was fully convicted of my sin. And from that day forward, I never returned back to my former life of debauchery and have been living for Jesus Christ since. It is my contention, that Satan had a clue that God was making a move to rescue me from being under the kingdom of darkness. As a result, I believe Satan manipulated the prior weekend to give me all the pleasure I could desire to convince me to continue living outside of Christ. In hindsight, I think it was obvious that Satan overplayed his hand.
Prior to Being Drafted Into Deliverance Ministry
Yes, I say drafted because I was not pursing this ministry. Most who come into this ministry, are forced into it not because they volunteered, but because the Lord enlists them.
In October 2013, I believe the kingdom of darkness had strategized to do great harm to me. During that time, I was emotionally hurt by some people that were dear to me. I was hurt, angry, and began to slip into depression. I felt overwhelmingly “heavy” for several days. I knew something was not right when thoughts came into my mind to do harm to myself. I had enough sense to know the thoughts were not “my” thoughts. Although I knew the thoughts were not my thoughts, the pressure was real and tangible to do harm to myself.
After maybe two or three days of experiencing this, while I was asleep at 5AM one morning, I was awakened out of my sleep when I heard someone yell, “warlock”. At that point in my life, I was single, and was living alone. Without question, I heard that term because as soon as I woke up, I researched what it meant. It means a man who practices the black arts (witchcraft). I still did not understand so I did further research and came across a video in which a Christian minister was engaged in deliverance ministry. I watched what he did and thought it was straightforward and simple. 1. Confess your sin to God. 2. Forgive those who need to be forgiven. 3. Renounce the suspected spirit (that is troubling you). 4. Command the spirit to leave in the name of Jesus. I was in a very desperate place. I needed to be free. I wasn’t sure that this would work, but I knew I was going to give it a try.
So I closed my laptop, went downstairs, and sat on my couch and did the above. After confessing my sin and forgiving those that needed to be forgiven, I renounced the spirits of anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc and commanded them to leave. Instantly, I felt something come off of me. I jumped to my feet and began praising God! I felt lighter in my body. I didn’t feel heavy nor felt angry anymore. Subsequently, I went through further self-deliverance, and got set free from spirits of suicide, depression, etc. After these events, it opened my eyes to spiritual warfare and deliverance.
I believe the kingdom of darkness was strategizing to bring great harm to myself by capitalizing on an opportunity which led me to a depressed state. However, God used this dark time to deliver and teach me about the reality of spiritual warfare and the need for deliverance. As a result, by going through such an experience it has allowed me to help others who are in a similar place. Once again, the kingdom of darkness overplayed his hand.
3rd Great Awakening
So what does all of this have to do with our current events? I get the sense that despite the current darkness, from the racial and political divide, rioting in cities, to Covid-19, we are on the cusp of a revolutionary move of God. I wonder if what we are currently experiencing is an assault by the powers of darkness with the objective to discourage, divide, and paralyze many with fear? Sadly, many have succumb to illness, businesses have closed, and suicide has spiked during the pandemic. Not to mention, churches for months had been shut down (some still are), many have closed, and some have suffered fines for “disobeying” the State.
With all of this and more, I sense in the midst of this darkness, God is going to pour out His Spirit in such a way, the most hardened sinner will come to know Him.
Get ready saints, the 3rd Awakening is upon us.