I find it interesting that there has been a steady influx of advertisements concerning A.I. (Artificial Intelligence i.e. Robots) being an integral part of our very near future. We have seen advertisements from Intel, Kohler, IBM (Watson), Amazon’s Alexa and etc that all depict A.I. becoming more active in our world. Ironically, we do not hear any politician making hardly any comments on this!! Why do I bring this up?

The emergence of A.I. will have a tremendous impact on the economy pertaining to jobs and on the social order. In short, the more dominant A.I. becomes part of our society the less jobs it will be for “humans”. Why? Because many jobs will become automated which means you and I, our kids, and grandkids will be out of a job and have less opportunities to be employed. Unless…. You become “post-human.”

Ray Kurzweil, the Director of Engineering at Google has said that humans will be immortal by the year 2045. How? Because there are plans to “merge man with machine”. You can read the article here http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2048299,00.html.

I find it ironic that in the beginning the serpent in the garden sold man the lie that he can become a “god” (Gen.3:5). That same lie is being floated and will be implemented to a degree.

Do you remember the Apostle John writing the following concerning the end times, “And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them” (Rev. 9:6).

Makes you wonder, when man merges with machine and becomes “immortal” if there will be some sort of catastrophic event that will lead to worldwide torment/judgment.

Folks, that day is not far off.

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