If you are familiar with biblical history, particularly Old Testament history, you would be familiar with the practices of the people within Canaan (the Promised Land). The people who were living in the land were deeply involved in idolatry. The idols/gods they worshipped were literally demonic powers (Deut. 32:17; Psa. 106:37). Indeed, occultism was interwoven into their culture. The practices of child sacrifice, witchcraft, sorcery, necromancy, spiritism, divination, astrology, etc, were the power centers that fueled mainstream culture, which was filled with gross immorality (Deut. 18:10-11; Lev. 18). This is one of the reasons why God commanded Israel to eradicate the people who were living in the land along with their practices (Deut. 7; Jer. 10:2)
What I find interesting is the close connection between occultism and mainstream rebellion. Indeed, it could be said that mainstream culture is the overflow of occultism. How can we be so sure?
Samuel states, “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry” (1 Sam. 15:23).
In other words, all rebellion has its roots in witchcraft. And all stubbornness has its roots in idolatry. Does this makes sense to you?
All forms of occultism (witchcraft, divination, sorcery, hoodoo, voodoo, etc) is designed to introduce a supernaturally charged rebellion against God and His Word, because it is the literal product of the father of lawlessness, Lucifer. When occultism is being practiced, it releases power to fuel all forms of rebellion and idolatry that will have an effect on mainstream culture (Exo. 32:1-6; 2 Kings 3:27)
You can see this currently in our culture. For example, observe the exaltation of sexual immorality and drug use in pop culture. Indeed, also observe how gradually occultic symbolism is showing up in many music videos. This is not by mistake or coincidence. This is the outworking of occultism before our eyes, just as in the days of the ancient Canaanites.
This is why as believers in Christ, we must be diligent to target our prayers against all occult activities. Also, repent and renounce any involvement in the occult ignorantly (horoscopes, Freemasonry, eastern mysticism, etc). When we begin to target our prayers daily against occultism and repent of our ignorant involvement, I believe there will be noticeable change in our personal lives and culture, because we will be severing the power source that fuels all rebellion.