“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34)

If we all would take a step back, what would characterize our nation? Righteousness? Lawlessness? Indeed, since there is such a thing of “right and wrong”, I believe we can all agree that we did not create the moral code. Our Creator placed His moral code on our hearts so that we can discern good from evil.

However, what happens when our conscience becomes overwhelmed and conditioned to take a liking to lawlessness? What happens when our society moves from being a thinking society to an indoctrinated society? What happens when the biblical principles that were ingrained in the very foundation of our nation are lost?

As Solomon states, we become a “reproach.” A reproach is a being a disappointment. Politically, we have allowed many leaders to come into office to not only transgress our Constitution, but to literally redefine it’s meaning. Culturally, we have been conditioned to accept lawlessness as a norm and will even protest against what is right and good. Spiritually, we have removed the very biblical principles that were suppose to be the precursor for society.

So who is to blame? Politicians? Bankers? Big companies? No. The blame is on you and I. The truth is many of us have been lulled asleep with comfort and security, while ignoring the house was burning down all around us. The coronavirus is not the imminent threat. A nation that is bent on destroying itself through unrighteousness is.

I can hear the voice of heaven saying, “What will it be America?” Will you be a people that will seek after righteousness? Or will you continue in your pursuit of unrighteousness that will lead to your inevitable doom?

It’s our choice.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chr. 7:14)




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