All of us have been created with an immune system. Our immune system is the first body system that can potentially detect “danger” (i.e. infection, cancer, and etc). By having a strong immune system it has the capability to fight off bacteria that can be harmful to us.

In addition, we all have been created with a human conscience. Our conscience gives us the ability to discern what is morally right and morally wrong. Having a sensitive conscience will prevent us from indulging in sin that will be harmful to our spirit.

None of us would want a weak immune system which would jeopardize our physical health. So why would we jeopardize our spiritual life by becoming insensitive to sin by indulging in it? Do we not know the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23)? Do we not know that those who live according to the flesh will die (Rom. 8:13)? By constantly indulging in sin your conscience will become “callous” or “seared” which will lead to greater depravity (Eph 4:19; 1 Tim 4:2). The more callous your conscience becomes the more difficult it will be to turn from the entrapment of sin.

Treat your conscience as you would treat your immune system. If you would not want to be in danger of sickness because of a weak immune system, endeavor not be spiritual sick because of a calloused heart which will lead to spiritual death.  As Solomon says,

“Guard your heart more than anything else, because the source of your life flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23)

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