Over the last month, there has been much controversy surrounding the actress, Halle Bailey, who was selected for the role of Ariel in the movie, The Little Mermaid. Much of the controversy was due to her being black, while the character has been traditionally portrayed as white. Honestly, when the news came out, I didn’t really pay it much mind. However, several days ago when I saw that Queen Latifah was going to play the character Ursula and stated, “Fortunately, I know a little magic… #teamseawitch,” the Holy Spirit nudged me to look deeper into this issue.

As kids, most of us have seen The Little Mermaid and thought it was just a cute kids movie. However, have you ever considered the origin? In other words, the concept of a marine community/kingdom that houses a mermaid, witch, etc, where did this come from? Is there any reality to this?

Insert Beyonce. February 2017 at the Grammy awards, Beyonce “paid homage” to the African water spirit Mami Wata or “Mother Water” who is portrayed as a half-human half-fish (a mermaid). The following is from an article written by the Washington Post,

“Mami Wata is known for her beauty. But she is as seductive as she is dangerous. Those who pay tribute to her know her as a ‘capitalist’ deity because she can bring good (or bad) fortune in the form of money…

Perhaps more obvious, though, is her embodiment of Oshun, a Yoruba water goddess of “female sensuality, love and fertility,” PBS reported when Lemonade first dropped last year. Oshun, also spelled Osun, is the love goddess of the Yoruba people, who inhabit the southwestern region of what is now modern day Nigeria and the southern part of Benin, according to Ancient Origins, and is often depicted wearing yellow and surrounded by fresh water…”

The article goes onto say,

“When you come here and tell Osun ‘I am looking for a baby,’ you get a baby; ‘I’m looking for a husband,’ you get a husband; ‘I am looking for money,’ you get money,” priestess Osafunke Iworo Oshun told CNN last year. “Whatever someone asks, Osun will always give the person because it’s important for the society.”

Indeed, in her second single, Hold Up, released from her album, Lemonade, she appeared in the video as Osun. In that video, she wears a yellow dress opening doors with water gushing out from behind her. This, of course, is to symbolize the water spirit Osun.

What is even more daunting is an article that was written by billboard.com entitled “Beyonce Brings Wonderful Witchcraft, Healing Powers in Lemonade”. A quote from the article,

“The witch is a symbol of womanhood…The witch is a healer, a shaman, a representative of a larger god or goddess on Earth. Enter Beyonce. With her sixth album, Lemonade, she has modeled herself into a witch — of the healing variety — during a time when black women are in need of positive reinforcement, deep healing and transformation.”

The article unashamedly refers to Beyonce as a witch and explains it as something desirable (especially for black women). Clearly, Beyonce is openly revealing her involvement in the occult. Although the secular world observes this, many in the church are clueless! Indeed, it gets even more bizarre.

In September 2018, Beyonce’s drummer of seven years, Kimberly Thompson, accused Beyonce of using extreme witchcraft against her. As a result, she applied for a restraining order against the singer. To add, Beyonce’s husband Jay-Z had known occultist/witch Marina Abramovich featured in his video Picasso Baby (which looked like some kind of ritual). Furthermore, Abramovich was implicated in the John Podesta (Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Chairman in 2016) emails that were leaked describing the occult practice of “spirit cooking,” in which she invited Podesta and his brother.

As wicked and heinous as this seems, it gets more dastardly and eerie. When we return back to the movie, The Little Mermaid, and the actress that has been selected Halle Bailey, could it be that she has any association with Beyonce?

Bailey was discovered by Beyonce through a Youtube rendition in 2014 and signed Bailey to her management company, Parkwood Entertainment for one million dollars to do six albums. Indeed, the article from billboard.com states,

“The witch is also seen as malicious because of her close connection to youth. She consumes younger women to remain beautiful. Here, Beyonce’s coven is of the young and visionary. Her Parkwood signees Ingrid, Chloe & Halle…”

Is it a coincidence that Beyonce worships a water spirit, practices/promotes witchcraft, husband does a video with a known witch, and then lands her protege the coveted role of a water witch/mermaid? Ironic, huh?

In saying this, there is much information that I can’t type in this blog because it would turn into a book (which I am considering writing). However, by just reading the articles that are linked below, understanding how the spirit world operates, and the reality that there is a “marine kingdom” that is a subset of Satan’s overall kingdom, it is clear that Beyonce and those who worship these water spirits understand what is going on. Essentially, The Little Mermaid is a movie created to indoctrinate the public to believe such things are merely fairy tales, while in reality these entities are accessed by witches to do evil.

Sadly, Disney has been at this for decades, that is, indoctrinating the public to embrace the occult by having a plethora of shows, movies, etc that depict witches as being good and kid-friendly. What is even more blatant is “Walt Disney’s Magic Kingdom”. What kingdom practices “magic”? The dark kingdom: Satan’s kingdom. Magic is the politically correct term for “witchcraft” or “sorcery”. What if it was labeled “Walt Disney’s Witchcraft Kingdom” or “Walt Disney’s Sorcery Kingdom”? I digress.

In closing, I know some of you may think I have lost my mind. Indeed, if I have lost my mind by merely exposing these connections, what does that say about those who are actively involved in these wicked activities? Others may have had some suspicions of what is mentioned above. Nevertheless, I would caution against listening to any music that Jay-Z or Beyonce put out. I am 99.9% certain that curses/spells have been placed in the music (more to say about this). Moreover, visit the links listed below, pray, discern and draw your own conclusions.

Please pray for me as I pursue writing a book on this topic. The book will leave no stone unturned in exposing the powers of darkness and how they have infiltrated our culture and even that of the church.

“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says…”

  1. https://www.billboard.com/articles/news/7348491/beyonce-lemonade-witchcraft-healing-powers
  2. https://twitter.com/IAMQUEENLATIFAH/status/1158492037668229120
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/02/13/these-goddesses-will-help-you-understand-beyonces-grammy-performance/?noredirect=on
  4. https://www.newsweek.com/former-drummer-kimberly-thompson-accuses-beyonce-extreme-witchcraft-1131746
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/nov/04/marina-abramovic-podesta-clinton-emails-satanism-accusations
  6. https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/beyonce-protgs-chloe-halles-lives-changed-discovered-youtube/story?id=39918427
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EsJLNGVJ7E (Marina Abramovich spirit cooking)
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgIi-g5vNK8 (Jay-Z Picasso Baby, Marina Abramovich Part 1)
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9ntmDGrFwo (Jay-Z Picasso Baby, Marina Abramovich Part 2)

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