Two problems man has: 1. Not knowing and understanding how twisted and heinous his nature is. 2. Not knowing and understanding how good, loving, and glorious God is.

The Gospel reveals all of the above. Due to our nature of being opposed to God’s righteousness, we deserve to be shut out of God’s presence now and for all eternity. But what does He do?

Sends his only Son to take our punishment and seat us in heavenly places in Christ (for those who believe)! Not only does He seat us in heavenly places, he sends the Holy Spirit to live within us so that we will walk in his commandments. Jesus clothes us with his perfect righteousness because our righteousness is like filthy rags. He delegates to us His power and authority to heal the sick and cast out demons. And in the end we will live with Him in the coming millennium and throughout eternity!

Again, God does all this to a twisted, perverted, fallen people who want nothing to do with Him. When we understand this, the Gospel is exceedingly glorious and mind-blowing!

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