“Do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, lest the land fall into prostitution and the land become full of depravity.” (Lev. 19:29)

How telling is this verse of Scripture? I do not think (at least hope not) most parents wake up one day and say, “I am going to lead my daughter to be a prostitute.” However, there are many parents in the church and outside of the church that permit there kids to attach themselves to the image of prostitution through pop culture “icons”. The image of prostitution and the language through music pop culture is appalling.

From Beyoncé, Nikki Minaj, Cardi B, Rihanna, and the list goes on. Look at how these women present themselves to your daughters and what they are teaching them through their music! Indeed, historically, pop culture has had a major hand in “selling” the prostitution image to many women and many have bought into it. As a result, look at our culture. Purity is scoffed at inside and outside of the church. STD’s are at record highs. Teen pregnancy is at an alarming rate. Single parent households are rampant.

May we repent from leading our young ladies into a promiscuous lifestyle and renounce the spirit of prostitution that has invaded our land.

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