You don’t have to look far to observe that we have a created race problem in the United States. I say created because of the following reasons:

  1. The advocates for social justice are black, white, etc. A good majority of Antifa and BLM are made up of whites although these groups are fighting for “equality” of blacks.
  2. When it comes to those who disavow the social justice movement, likewise, those people are comprised of whites, blacks, etc.
  3. Since these groups are nuanced with a mix of races, the central struggle is not “race”; its ideology and perception. One group seeks to overthrow the current socio-economic political system, while the other seeks to preserve it. Generally speaking, the globalists, Antifa, BLM, a vast majority of the Democratic Party seek to overthrow are existing system of capitalism and replace it with socialism/communism. While the Republican Party, conservatives, nationalists, and patriots, seek to preserve the existing system. The modus operandi of those seeking to overthrow the system is to create a racist narrative that exploits blacks to achieve a radical political revolutionary goal.

Solomon’s Wisdom

I’m reminded of the timeless wisdom of Solomon when he states,

16There are six things that the LORD hates,

seven that are an abomination to him:

17haughty eyes, a lying tongue,

and hands that shed innocent blood,

18a heart that devises wicked plans,

feet that make haste to run to evil,

19a false witness who breathes out lies,

and one who sows discord among brothers. (Prov. 6:16-19)

While viewing these statements, those who seek political revolution, essentially have these points as there values. How so?

Ironically enough, BLM’s leaders are lesbian women that are Marxists. When we look at the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, we know that God judged those cities due to there gross immorality. However, there gross immorality was not the root of the problem, it was the fruit that came forth from a larger issue.

“Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride” (Eze. 16:49).

In short, the gross immorality being expressed in Sodom was flowing from the root of pride/haughtiness. The haughtiness of BLM seeks to dismantle the nuclear family and confuse gender in the name of equality. The leaders of this movement and there allies have openly expressed there desire to overthrow the “system” or “burn it down.” Wouldn’t this be considered haughty in light of how God has designed His creation?

When we think about the lying tongue, a heart that devises wicked plans, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers, I believe all these points overlap when it comes to the current crisis. As I have written previously, our corporate media, intentionally creates the narrative that blacks are disproportionately being killed by whites/white police officers. Generally speaking, what the media constantly bombards the public with are the following:

  • White male/white police officer killing a black man/woman

What the public almost never sees broadcast by the national media:

This is not by mistake. This is intentional. By intentionally omitting these stories or having a quick two minute segment and then the story vanishes into obscurity is journalistically irresponsible and deceptive. Moreover, if the victim is black and is killed by a white male, the story will drag on for days, weeks, and even months. This encompasses a heart that devises wicked plans, and one who sows discord among brothers. As a result, cities are being burning, racial tension is high, and a political revolution is being birthed in many hearts.

Lastly, the same group, advocates for the murder of the unborn. Are not babies innocent? Yet, the group who seeks a political revolution is also the same group who advocates for the murder of babies whom are the most innocent of us all.

Projected Racism

As I opened up this blog, I stated, our current race crisis is created. But who is created by? Indeed, the media executives have a hand in the scheme but also the usual suspects that give “political commentary” on major news networks. That commentary will work its way down to the community leaders, pastors, and the run of the mill citizen. However, what I find to be interesting is many of the people who are quick to point out who is “racist”, are truly racist themselves.

For instance, it is no secret within the black community, that many will vote for a candidate just because he/she is black. Indeed, the candidate may have opposing values and policies to which the individual may hold; yet, because they share the same skin color, they will support that very candidate. If we were to peel back the onion, what does this uncover? Subtle but overt racism. When we are favoring one over the other, due to the color of there skin, this indeed is racism. As a result, that subtle racism gets projected on others that may not be racist. And when the media wants to pull the lever to stir up those infected with the bitterness of racism, they string several stories together that “appear” to be racist, which is used as a launching pad to pursue a “revolution”.


In my view, the values of the globalists, Antifa, BLM, and a vast majority of the Democratic Party are reflected in Solomon’s wisdom. However, in fairness, I do not believe that the general public sees the overall goal of those gunning for a political revolution. Many have been taken captive by the systemic racism narrative and do not see that its a springboard to achieving the communistic utopia that many want to usher in. The truth is no systemic racism narrative=no political revolution.

Just think, if this group has there way, how would day to day life look for us? It will not be the global utopia they dangle before us. It will be hell on earth.

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