Does not the level of injustices being voiced in our society, suggest that there is a standard of perfection (Rom.3:23)? In short, we are “missing the mark.” Foundationally, at the root of “justice” is “righteousness”. I believe we all can agree that none of us are innately righteous (Rom. 3:10; Psa. 14:1) therefore, we did not create the standard of perfection. Just as when we are pricked with a needle, our bodies feel the pain and we may express a wince or scream. When our soul has been pricked with injustice we desire “justice” or “righteousness”. Yet, most folks never think about where we get this innate desire to have justice.
As I have said previously, this sense comes from God (Rom. 2:14-15). Hence, we have been stamped with His image and likeness (Gen. 1:27); therefore, we desire righteousness because His nature is righteous. The problem is we have been corrupted with sin. Sin desires unrighteousness and rebellion against all that is holy. What does this all mean?
Could it be that all of the cries of injustice is a way for God to get our attention to return to Him and his righteousness? Just imagine if we were to apply the same zeal to ending racism, to also end sexual immorality, sensuality, homosexuality, perversion, profanity, abortion/murder, slander, and etc? Would not our society look vastly different? However, that is bordering or what the Bible calls “holiness”. And of course, we don’t want that. We want “righteousness” only when we have been “pricked” but we do not want it to be a style of life.
The river of justice flows into the ocean of righteousness. Our cries for righteousness/justice point to the ocean of God. And if our need for justice directs us to God, who is this God and how can we know Him?
Stay tuned.
“Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” (Matt. 6:33).