The biggest threat to any political or cultural ideological movement that is anti-Christ in nature, is the Gospel of Jesus. Regenerative faith is supernatural and is established through the Gospel (2 Cor. 5:17; John 3:1-18). It is designed to transform it’s host to become conformed to it’s Author, Jesus Christ (Rom. 8:29). Therefore, any and all political and cultural ideologies are threatened because the roots of the regenerate individual is not based on temporal trends, emotion, or mere intellect—it is based in/on the eternal word and power of Jesus Christ.
Regenerate faith transforms the internal person before it transforms the circumstances that surround the person. This surgical supernatural process by which the Spirit of God leads, intensely sensitizes the conscience of the person towards his/her sin (Eze. 36:25-27). Not only that, new passions and desires of God are inserted, which by default helps the eradication process of the old nature (Rom.8:6). With this construction happening within the person, the mind begins to be renewed (Rom. 12:2). Therefore, naturally, he/she begins to oppose anti-Christ ideologies. However, why are we not hearing a louder voice from Zion?
The problem that we all run into is the “discipline of the will” to stay the course. We get distracted. Our eyes get mesmerized by things they should not be. We slowly begin to drift from our first love (Rev. 2:4) and begin to lose focus of the heart and mission of God.
Brothers and sisters, we have to understand there are spiritual forces 24/7 strategizing to pull you away from the heart and mission of God. The camp of the kingdom of darkness will use all sorts of tactics to lead you astray. Whether it be, yoking with unholy alliances, worldliness, agreement with false teaching, becoming disillusioned or apathetic towards the things of God, and etc. Since this is the case, we must prioritize our intimacy with God and be quick to confess and repent of our sin.
If you are truly regenerate, know that God has invested in you to represent Him and His kingdom (Luke 19:12-27; 2 Cor. 1:22). May we spend our lives earning interest on His investment!