Adolf Hitler stated, “I want to raise a generation of young people devoid of conscience – imperious, relentless, & cruel.”

Many people are unaware that Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich were influenced by the occult. Luciferianism was the driving force behind Nazism. However, let me be clear, Luciferianism is not merely the worship of Lucifer. It is the worship of man (Gen. 3:5). Hitler’s ideology was straight out of hell. However, before we throw stones at Hitler and his wickedness, do we see parallels with the ideology of Hitler and with the cultural ideology of mainstream American culture?

When we begin to take a step back and observe our culture, it is constantly pushing a man-centered secular humanism. This very ideology has penetrated the public school system, exalted in pop-culture, marketed as our entertainment, and vigorously opposes Christian values and morals. By default and design, the culture and environment we are intentionally creating begins to erode away the human conscience. As a result, sin becomes more “delightful” and easier to commit regardless of how degrading it may be.

Some may say, “We have separation between Church and State. You cannot push your beliefs on me.” I say, “Praise God for separation between Church and State.” However, this does not mean we should abandon the Christian values, morals, and ethics in which the country was founded. What this means is the State has no authority to coerce the public to become Christian or be forced to participate in liturgical practices. Hence, one can hold to Christian values without being Christian. The job of the State is to enforce righteousness (Rom. 13:1-7) and the job of Church is to model righteousness and share the Gospel.

To the contrary, if we abandon a Christian based value system for a humanistic based value system, where does that lead us? It leads us to a place where everyone does what is right in there own eyes (Judges 17:6). In short, if it “feels” right to you, do it. The ol Darwinian principle of the “survival of the fittest”. When this occurs, as we have been seeing progressively over the last several decades, confusion, chaos, and instability ensues throughout the nation. Indeed, if we do not wake up to see where we are going as a people and nation–it may be too late to discover that we are being led off a cliff.

“He who sins against me injures himself; All those who hate me love death.” (Prov. 8:36)

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