Why the Need for Deliverance?
The topic of casting out demons is rarely mentioned in church settings. Many are reluctant to teach, let alone practice this much needed ministry. Some reasons many avoid this topic and ministry: fear of demonic spirits, unbelief that Christians may need deliverance, lack of understanding when it comes to deliverance ministry, fear of reputation being “tarnished” amongst peers, theology does not permit for deliverance to be practiced, etc. Nevertheless, the need for deliverance is no different today than it was over 2,000 years ago when Jesus and His disciples engaged in this ministry. In fact, the need may be greater today in our nation due to the mainstream culture yoking itself to demonic influence.
Rashad understands the fears of those who have never been involved in this ministry. For the first 10 years of his born-again life, he was trained primarily in reformed theology and considered himself a practicing Cessationist. He did not see the need for deliverance ministry, and considered those who were involved in that ministry to be wildly charismatic. However, through a chain of events over a course of three to four years, the Lord began to show that his assumptions were incorrect and that he would be involved in this ministry in the near future. That near future was 2013 when he had his first encounter with the demonic and began to minister to those who were oppressed by demonic influence.
When we study the Gospels, we learn that this ministry was consistently utilized by Jesus and the disciples. Indeed, it seems that the proclamation of the gospel was tied together with power demonstrated through the gospel by the casting out of demons. Read the following:
“He went throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons” (Mark 1:39).
“And he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits…So they went out and proclaimed that people should repent. And they cast out many demons…” (Mark 6:7,12-13)
Clearly, Jesus and the disciples were engaged in proclaiming the Gospel and demonstrating the power of the Gospel through casting out demons. In fact, Jesus said on one occasion, “The kingdom of God has come upon you” through the casting out of demons (Matt. 12:28).
Demonic influence can be behind a plethora of conditions that we may pass off as being merely natural. From depression, suicidal thoughts, uncontrollable lusts, excessive fear and anxiety, addictions, etc. The church, for the most part, will exhort the person who is afflicted to “will” themselves, with the Lord’s help, to overcome these problems through various methods (Bible reading, worship, Christian therapy, etc). Although these methods may be helpful in bringing some relief, if demons are involved, these methods will not be sufficient to bring total healing.
At Awaken New England, we believe it is essential to preach the gospel and to cast out demons, as Jesus and His disciples did. When this happens the following occurs:
1. Jesus is tangibly experienced and gets the praise. When one is set free from demonic torment by the power of Jesus Christ, they will experience the power of God in a way that is tangible. For example, if an individual is enslaved to uncontrollable lusts, after being freed from spirits of lusts they will instantly feel free from the oppression! They will know Jesus set them free! Hallelujah!
2. The spiritual world instantly becomes a reality. As a result, the kingdom of God will come upon you (Matt. 12:28).
3. Confidence in trust in the Gospel. By seeing/experiencing victories over the kingdom of darkness, one will have further assurance of the truthfulness of the gospel, the Bible, and the authority of Jesus.
4. Potential to spark revival. When Philip the evangelist went to Samaria, he not only preached the gospel, he cast out demons and a mini-revival broke out (Acts 8:5-8)! What would prevent the Lord from doing the same in our New England cities and towns!
If your church would like for Awaken New England to come to your church to preach the gospel, teach/train on deliverance, and sessions to practice setting captives free, please contact us. We are looking forward to partnering with your church in seeing the glory of Jesus!